If You Want And Need Extra Money, Why Not Find A Cool Item To Sell To Others?

If You Want And Need Extra Money, Why Not Find A Cool Item To Sell To Others?

You might need extra cash, and you certainly don’t want to slave any more hours than you already are, so perhaps a good alternative to earn the extra cash would be to buy something for wholesale, and then sell it for retail to friends, neighbors, and co-workers.

You don’t have to open a business, get permits, licenses, and bank accounts to buy wholesale…You can come to my website, and when you see something that you would like to sell to others, you can e-mail me and we can discuss a special price for you to buy five, ten or twenty, depending on what it is!

Maybe you want to get two each of fifteen different birdhouses, and sell them at a neighborhood bazaar at your church? Perhaps you like the idea of buying twenty different necklace/good luck charms to peddle to your fellow college students? Maybe you will be interested in one of the things that I already have listed under money making deals? These are high impulse items, such as self defense pepper sprays!

My name is Father Time, and I am a writer, who wrote so many article marketing pieces for other people with websites that I decided to open my own Online SuperStore!

Since I have so many contacts, and I buy and sell merchandise wholesale and retail, I thought to myself “why not pass some savings on to folks that want to get some great items to resell for a profit?”

It’s that simple! My fabulous site is: http://www.fathertimepublishing.com/default.php?cPath=2358876

And I hope that you will visit very soon! Think about what you may like to sell, and then send me an e-mail so we can figure something out.

Keep smiling and Many Blessings!