Text Message Received: “dont worry you can get a cashadvance”

I was so stressed out and had no idea what to do until I got that text message from my friend, “dont worry you can get a cashadvance.”

One weekend I had gone out of town for a concert, it was something that I had been planning weeks and weeks for. I did not have a lot of money, but I had no worries. All the bills were paid up, the concert tickets were bought, and I had plenty of road munchies and a full tank of gas; plus, I was going to be paid again a couple of days after I got back home.

It was a great show by the way, but things went down the tubes on the way back to the motel where I was staying. It was dark, but the lights on my car kept getting dimmer and dimmer until finally everything just stopped. This, I had not counted on. I was able to call the road service and a tow truck came to get me and the car in a couple of hours.

They took me back to the motel, and the car went to a shop nearby. I knew I did not have very much cash in the bank, and I was worried about how much this was all going to cost. So, I sent a text to a friend of mine that might be able to offer some advice. The answer was so simple, but I had never thought of it, “dont worry you can get a cashadvance.”

Those few words from my friend changed everything. I went online in the motel lobby to fill out the simple application, and by the next day when the shop called to tell me how much my car was going to cost to get fixed, I already had more than enough cash in the bank to cover it. It really made my sticky situation a whole lot easier.

Click for more details : http://www.fastcash4all.net/apply.php